Telomeres: The Longer the Better

Mice have much longer telomeres than we do, long enough that telomeres never get critically short in a mouse lifetime. Yet, when designer mice were engineered to have even longer telomeres (hyper-long by any standard, longer than we can account for the use of them), these mice lived longer and were healthier in every way … Read more

Interview with Josh Mitteldorf

Transcript of interview 10/14/19. IP = Ira Pastor, Health and Longevity Ambassador for IdeaXme, founder of BioQuark JJM = Josh Mitteldorf, author of Cracking the Aging Code, and the AgingMatters ScienceBlog IP: We’ve been spending time on hierarchical levels of the aging process: the genome, the microbiome, systems biology. There is an extensive catalog of … Read more

Methylation Clocks and True Biological Age

The good news is that the DataBETA project has found a home.  After several months of seeking a university partner, I am thrilled to be working with Moshe Szyf’s lab at McGill School of Medicine.  DataBETA is a broad survey of things people do to try to extend life expectancy, combined with evaluation of these … Read more