AgingAdvice page is back online

Thanks to some of my readers who noticed that had disappeared.  It is now back online. is also back online. (The site had been hosted by GoogleDrive, and I missed Google’s announcement that they would no longer be supporting public web pages.  The page now has a permanent home at  The web address remains … Read more

Putting the “system” back in Systems Biology

Cold Spring Harbor labs on Long Island has a diverse offering of conferences that attract experts from all areas of biology. For the last six years, there has been a sister group organizing conferences in Suzhou, China. I spent last week at the 2016 CSH Asia conference on Systems Biology. While I have been to … Read more

Nutritional Geometry 3: Ketosis— benefits & risks of oil-rich diets

The advantage of a low-carb diet is that it minimizes insulin spikes that can contribute to loss of insulin sensitivity=metabolic syndrome. The advantage of a low-protein diet is that it offers some of the anti-aging benefits of calorie restriction, and is associated with lower all-cause mortality. Can the two be combined? The low-protein, low-carb diet … Read more