Report from Rejuvenation Biotech Conference

Fifteen years ago, Aubrey de Grey organized the first SENS roundtable–Strategies for Engineering Negligble Senescence.  It was a small group of out-of-the-box thinkers, heretics who talked about attacking head-on the idea that aging is just part of the human condition, looking for medical (and beyond-medical) treatments that would restore strength, stamina, and alertness, and lower … Read more

The Mystery of Aging, Solved at Last!

How many headlines have you seen that purport to reveal THE secret of aging?  Just in the last few weeks,  there have been several fundamental, earthshaking, paradigm-shifting, game-changing, disruptive discoveries–and they were very different one from another. Why do these headlines keep popping up?  Is there truth in any of them?  …and, most interesting to me, … Read more