Fertility is Kaput, but Life Goes On

PRLS   I study evolution of aging because I think it is a scientific conundrum.  But frequently, people tell me that the evolution of aging is easy to understand.  After the individual is done reproducing, its job is finished, and there is no more evolutionary force to keep it alive.  It can be pushed over … Read more

Tomorrow’s Anti-Aging Therapy, Available Today

For people who have a few hundred thousand dollars to spend and are willing to take on the risks of an “early adopter” and travel to South America, options are now becoming available that were inconceivable just a few years ago. A new company is leapfrogging over the time-consuming process of testing and regulatory approval, … Read more

Kill Senescent Cells Before They Kill You

Several readers have asked me to comment on the press release and preprint that came out of the Mayo Clinic this week.  Researchers searched for ways to eliminate cells in the body that have become senescent and destructive.  Their tests in cell cultures and in genetically-modified mice turned up two substances, one natural and cheap, … Read more

“What Looks Like Cooperation is Really Selfishness”

Three years late, Scientific American is reacting to a paper on evolution of cooperation  [2012] with a hint that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.  This is what my wife used to call an FGIO, a faint glimpse into the obvious.  The paper was by interlopers from physics, mathematically adept senior luminaries.  The … Read more